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Kit­ty Kaha­ne. New Sto­ries on Old Porcelain

Coll­ec­tions →

I am an illus­tra­tor. Sin­ce my stu­dies
at the Kunst­hoch­schu­le Ber­lin Wei­ßen­see
I have been working free­lan­ce
for publishers and com­pa­nies that
pro­du­ce car­pets, cloths, fabrics and ser­vices.
My work as a lec­tu­rer has taken me
to many places in the world,
to Paki­stan, India, Indo­ne­sia, Chi­na
Kyr­gyz­stan and many other places
from dif­fe­rent cul­tures that inspi­re
me artis­ti­cal­ly.
Sin­ce my youth I have been
enchan­ted by por­ce­lain.
Form and color, I rese­ar­ched all
pro­ces­ses of por­ce­lain
pro­duc­tion in the por­ce­lain fac­to­ry
in Meis­sen. After stu­dy­ing
illustration,I work­ed as a
free­lan­ce décor desi­gner
for Rosen­thal AG. After many years
of book illus­tra­ti­on, the time
has come for me to give for­got­ten,
dus­ty, magni­fi­cent or simp­le por­ce­lain
a new face. And that is, in the best
sen­se of the word, a sus­tainable idea.

Foto Kitty

I coll­ect old pie­ces, paint them
by hand, let them burn, so they stay
beau­tiful over the long term.
Uni­que items are crea­ted, none of
which are the same as the other
. All
ser­vice parts can be purcha­sed as
a set or indi­vi­du­al­ly as a small
pie­ce of jewel­ry or a pre­sent.
A good idea can be found in the abili­ty
to com­bi­ne the por­ce­lains I deco­ra­ted
with a simp­le design. You can find
examp­les on my web­site.
Main parts of a ser­vice, such as a cof­fee
or teapot, are limi­t­ed to 13 pie­ces per the­me
I name the pain­ted pie­ces after
film clas­sics or film cha­rac­ters,
accor­ding to my topic.
I also offer indi­vi­du­al requests for
spe­ci­fic occa­si­ons, such as wed­dings or bir­th­days.
Plea­se under­stand that the­re may be small color devia­ti­ons and that the deli­very time
does not cor­re­spond to nor­mal deli­very
times depen­ding on the effort. That is
why I recom­mend indi­vi­du­al arran­ge­ments by
mail or phone